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About Us

E-Gate Creative Founder

Hi Everyone, we are the founders of E-Gate Creative Limited, FungWah Chan and DM Ho. We were schoolmates 25 years ago and studied Chinese history in the same class. We became friends through playing board games. We played UNO, Risk, Dungeon & Dragon, Monopoly, Axis and Allies when we were young. Later, we indulged ourselves in Magic the Gathering and Warhammer.

We found that board games were not only used to entertain ourselves, but also helped us to promote the relationship with others.

We love board games. We love Chinese history and culture.

“The Battle of Chinese Philosophy” is our first board game designed. We have a faith to create an interesting game with our experience and knowledge. Through this game, we are also eager to promote Chinese culture and philosophy that is still likely to be applied in our life.

Hopefully we can bring fun to everyone and deepen the understanding of Chinese history and culture.